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The Solution

THE WORLD IS LIVING BY MYTHS: All curriculum from grade school to university will need to be entirely overhauled. “The Solution…” unravels it all.

If you are thinking about getting one of Eastwood’s 25 books, he recommends that you get this one specifically.

“The Solution…” is simple, easy to understand and tells you how you can create what you want in life in a much easier way than we were all taught. If you are in a difficult situation, this is your way out. Collectively, this unique book has the potential to stop violence, division, unhappiness, destructive institutions and even illness.

Nicolaus Copernicus’s De revolutionibus orbium coelestium,” created a paradigm-shift. Initially, however, the world did not listen. “The Solution…” reveals an equally significant false premise, but in today’s world, the stakes are much higher. “The Solution…” reveals why people must listen.


THE SOLUTION TO ALL OF HUMANITY'S PROBLEMS & The Secret to Creating the Life You Want
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Success Guaranteed

The method given in “Success Guaranteed…” works like magic and can be used to create anything you want no matter what it is or how big it is. When you apply the simple principles within this incredible book, you activate a magical internal process that manifests your desire and allows you to enter your own life of ‘dreams-come-true.’

“I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine in 1985, at age 22, because the philosophy I was testing continued to work like magic!” — William Eastwood.

You can apply the principles in ‘SUCCESS GUARANTEED…’ to manifest money and become successful overnight. They do work.

This book is packed with simple practical insights that show you how to create whatever you want, no matter what it is. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Get this spectacular book now and add it to your best-book collection!


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What is the Cause of…

A Book that Tells You How to Change Your World

The cause of problems is internal. Reality is not understood, and this is the problem. How would you like to look at every situation differently? Doing so allows you to solve any and all problems. Eastwood did at age 12 and look what happened to him.

The outcome of his first experiment was spectacular. It resulted in Eastwood working for a Yale University professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13—a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors.

This book tells you how to change your world in the same way Eastwood did at age 12. It also reveals the cause of and solution to school shootings, bullying, fake news, crimes against humanity, poverty, high taxes, the new arms race and more.

Albert Einstein operated within the Internal Science paradigm before it was even recognized. It’s high time the rest of us used it. Add this amazing book to your best book collection and change your world forever.


What is the cause of school shooting, violence, poverty, all problems & high taxes.
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You Are Altruistic

An inspirational true story

I am speaking about youYou are altruistic!


There are many people in the world today that will try to manufacture circumstances that prove their beliefs. Those beliefs are not all positive. When I tell people that they are an altruistic consciousness, they may believe that until someone comes along and points out something that makes them question their integrity. This is because our mainstream thinking is based on the idea that human nature is tainted or flawed or both.

There are people that will read any situation in the worst possible way. You could be a saint, it doesn’t matter; they will see what they want to see. It’s not just bullies that do this, it’s also people in high positions.

You will see this on the news and in politics. There are people out there that do nothing but degrade others. There are also bullies and internet trolls that will stop you if you let them.

It is complete nonsense and further from the truth than anything else.

Don’t buy into the dangerous collective trance and the dark theories of the world! You are not necessarily able to change what other people believe, but that does not mean that you have to accept their worldview. Rebuke it and reject it affirmatively and powerfully.

You are a great altruistic being; that is a fact. The sooner you believe that the sooner you will be able to live the good life. What people say about you says more about them than it does about you.

Degraders are everywhere, and they will tell you that you are bad and deserve to be punished. This is pure fantasy and ignorance. You are a great, powerful and absolutely beautiful altruistic consciousness fully worthy of being loved and adored, cherished and admired.

I am speaking about your own consciousness. You are a portion of pure light, love and goodness, and you always will be. You can hide that fact from yourself and pretend that you are small and insignificant. You can believe what your enemies want you to believe and be blind to the incredible beauty within you. Or you can stand up for yourself and who and what you really are.

It is your responsibility to be who you really are, to be authentic and truthful. You are Intelligent Light, you are a beautiful person, you are altruistic! — William Eastwood.


This is William Eastwood’s autobiography and inspirational true story. In it he demonstrates how events happen for a reason. By example, he shows you how to overcome seemingly impossible odds no matter what your life situation is.

A truly unique, amazing and powerful true story. Add it now to your best book collection!


You Are Altruistic - A True Story Message for Humanity Book by William Eastwood
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