The Inner United Nations (UN) Mission Great Civilization: Where the Real Work of Creation is Done

The Inner United Nations (UN) Mission Great Civilization
Earth Network world help, education, environment, UN, Internal Science, International Philosophy.


Assisting Humanity to Create a Great Civilization.

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The Inner UN All nations united


EN: The New Inner UN: Where the real work to solve world problems is done

Based on Internal Science, empirical evidence and decades of work and observation.


respectable academic site reputable source
A website article.



World peace






This is not the UN you know


Because our beliefs create our reality, if we learn to believe that the universe is safe, and people are good, we will create that as our reality. You get what you focus on.

If you are focused on what is wrong with the world or make lists of what you do not like, you are creating it. There’s no devil, hell or evil people, there’s only good people who are misusing their power to create what they do not want.


William Eastwood philosophy
A website article.



Us in the future


Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now! Where you can join a global alliance.


A Plan for New Civilization Based on Internal Science International Philosophy Eastwood
A article.


Before we do anything, there are people we need to help now

Promote the plan to help save the human race.

William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A website article.


The United Nations

The United Nations represents the positive intents of our civilization and collective consciousness. It is a democratic ideal born of a collective vision or dream in 1945. The UN is a consortium: “…the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.”


Earth Network

Earth Network was born of a similar vision and effort to create a gathering place or consortium of ideas that best represent the positive intents of our civilization , individual and collective consciousness. You will see similarities between the UN mission and ours. The Altruism Code is our Constitution and internal science is our science. We work on a level where the real work of change is done.


EN: Where the real work of world change is done

EN is similar to the UN: This is where real work to solve world problems is done. This is where you can directly impact world events.

The Altruism Code can be used for application of these principles to keep you safe and your energy moving in a positive direction.



Earth network How do your thoughts form matter altruism code


Spread the word. Without this work the world would be less safe.


Earth Network

Earth Network (EN)

United Nations (UN)

EN is similar to the UN: This is where real work to solve world problems is done. This is where you can directly impact world events.

We are coordinating the focus of the world in a new way that has never been done before.


Earth Network

As the rest of the world continues to fail within the paradigm of primitive superstition, millions are advancing in an entirely new paradigm. The Inner UN is the future for humanity.


“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates


Where the real work of world change is done

In the same way that we can influence the subconscious through repetition of affirmations, we can also influence the collective subconscious. Influencing the collective subconscious changes future events. The Inner UN is a focused effort to influence world events in constructive ways that benefit everyone.


Events are created on inner levels of reality

You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. All events occur first on inner levels and from there are physically manifested. This is why I have formed The Inner UN.

The inner framework of existence where events are produced occurs on deep levels in your own consciousness. These levels can be easily accessed through desire, intent, mental suggestion that you will do so before going to sleep.


Where do we create our reality life


Meet within the Inner UN to share your constructive intents with us

The events you see on the news are a result of the work done on inner levels. Nation’s plan events in advance on inner levels. This happens automatically and is not usually recalled by the conscious mind.

However, even if we do not know how to bring our conscious awareness with us to the level at which creation takes place, our intent to do so has an effect on what happens on this level.

You are always creating your reality on inner levels whether you believe it or not. The same applies to the Inner UN. Work is getting done at this location.

We are learning to bring our conscious mind with us into the dream state. This is called lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is when we become aware that we are dreaming while we are in a dream.

On deep levels in the dream state, we are constructing the Inner UN.

The intent to do this has created an actual location on a deep inner level where work can be done to bring peace and prosperity to the world.

Tell yourself before sleep that you will meet us there. We will be constructing beneficial world events within the Inner UN. We are doing work there to help humanity.


Internal science

Click here to learn the difference between Internal Science and External Science. The inner UN exists on an inner level of reality where creation takes place. If this is confusing to you, click the icon below and read the article.


How do thoughts create reality consciousness forms matter turn physical
A website article.


EN: The New Inner UN

The Inner UN does not have a physical location. Instead, you can only access it with your intent to go there. You don’t need to be a scientist or even understand frequency and coordinates. You only need to desire to meet me. Intending it before sleep and stating affirmations can facilitate the process.

I teach people that their positive thoughts and emotions can manifest prosperity. All I am doing here is bringing it to the next level and focusing more on humanitarian efforts to solve world problems.

But how do I get there?

In the same way that we can access the subconscious through repetition of affirmations, we can access the collective subconscious. The portal is therefore invisible; it is in your own consciousness.

To go there, use the same techniques used to induce lucid dreaming. Desire it, will it with willpower, and/or repeat suggestions like the ones below or make your own suggestions. Use them as you drift off to sleep.


“At the level at which creation takes place, I create the ideal by way of the Inner United Nations.”

“After I fall asleep, I will meet William Eastwood on inner levels of reality.”

“I will help in the construction of the Inner UN.”

“I will do work there to help solve world problems.”

“When I reach the Inner UN, I will become lucid.”

“I will remember my activities when I awaken, and I will write them down immediately.”

“As I practice, I will get better and remember more.”


You can astral project there or visit via lucid dreams.

To do that, you can use whatever suggestion feels right to you. Just say that you are going there and intend it.

We are creating the location with our minds. We are adding features. We are building inner cities and worlds.

The Inner UN is just one location or feature.

Think of a beautiful city and future civilization and then we will create it.

All cities are designed in the minds of architects before they are built. The only thing that is different in this case is the location. We are building a new reality on inner levels where creation takes place.

You can suggest that you will remember your encounter when you wake up in the morning or after sleep. To learn about using suggestion (affirmations), visit my daily affirmation and guidance page by clicking the icon below.


Affirmations and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations & the way to success posted daily.


Like with any skill, you will improve with practice. The more effort you put into remembering the better you get. Even if it seems as if nothing is happening, something is.

You can learn to remember your dreams. You can learn astral projection and how to meet specific people to achieve specific goals.

To get an idea of what you can do with practice, click the icon below. I have been around the universe and through time a few times.


Anyone can learn to explore their inner reality with practice
A website article.


Inner navigation

To navigate in the physical world we must go places physically. When navigating within inner reality places come to us.

By awakening in a dream we can learn how to navigate our inner reality with deliberate conscious intent. We can learn to navigate by means of intent, imagination or willpower. We can imagine a location and the location comes to us.

You have to experience this to really understand it, but a single word can alter your environment in profound ways within your inner reality. Your thoughts and emotions have an immediate effect. There is not delay as in physical reality. Thoughts manifest or “transport” you instantly.

There are infinite levels and dimensions within inner reality. You pass through certain levels every night as you fall asleep. There are no exceptions to this rule, everyone does this, but some people don’t remember for reasons of their own. On the deepest levels you create your life and pick those experiences you want.

If you intend to do this and follow the procedure given, over time, you will learn to recognize what level you by learning to observe certain kinds of signposts. Each inner level of reality has its own natural characteristics. On levels closer to your normal conscious mind your thoughts form hallucinations. On deeper levels you will discover that those hallucinations don’t happen (also called distortion).

You will be able to interact with people.

There are no evil realms, but your own fears and feelings of guilt can create demons in some cases. Show no fear and say, “May God be with you,” and they will vaporize.

Don’t travel inward in the ways I have suggested if you are depressed or having a hard time in life.


The Inner UN

Events are always chosen. In those terms, we are not doing anything that has not been done before except that we are learning to bring our conscious awareness with us.

After awakening, we must differentiate between ordinary dreams and actual meetups on inner levels.


The Inner UN is a new kind of venture

We are coordinating the focus of the world in a new way that has never been done before. This is where real work to solve world problems is done.

When we work on this level, we work outside of time constraints and directly with people and issues.

Solving world problems does not have to take a long time. The alternative is a continuation of an almost unbearable world situation with increasing chaos and problems.

On inner levels we can solve the most difficult problems with relative ease, but people must have a change of heart on the physical level. We can’t do everything on inner levels. The world must want peace and must think thoughts of peace and goodwill.

Because reality is a projection of individual beliefs, many people are stuck and the world is divisive. But books and other means exist to help people change their beliefs.


earth network on how to stay safe
A website article.


Various cults and philosophies around the world resemble tribalism because they are all unchanged. The world is in a state of global “tribal” or “cult” conflict. Each power holder is fighting for his views and dominance. It is no different than at the beginning of the Iron Age.


Authoritarianism dictates.
A website article.


To learn more about the origin of the Inner UN, click below.


Us in the future
A website article.


The same principles of positive, helpful action to improve the world implemented by the Inner UN are being applied to test our plan. Help make Mission Great Civilization a reality for you by moving to paradise.


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Earth Network books

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Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now! Where you can join a global alliance.


When you buy a book here you are not only helping yourself and making an important investment in yourself, you are helping the whole world! All proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


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A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.


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“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein.




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The Inner United Nations (UN) Mission Great Civilization: Where the Real Work of Creation is Done

© Copyright, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood. All Rights Reserved.


The Inner United Nations (UN) is the work of William Eastwood and Earth Network’s Mission Great Civilization. This is where the real work of maintaining a peaceful and prosperous world and creating a healthy planet and civilization is done.


CATEGORIES: Mission Great Civilization. World peace and prosperity humanitarian organization and effort to create a better civilization. The Inner United Nations (UN) and Earth Network (EN). Click on our site to learn more.