The 2025 Altruism Code contains THE ALTRUISM CODE ULTIMATE SUCCESS FORMULA. This unique formula contains a special set of principles that will allow you to create the kind of life you want. These principles will work far better than any other methods of manifesting.
A higher code of thinking & conduct to empower the individual & free you from external control.
ALTRUISM CODE LAW is so powerful that it provides a basis for a new system of U.S. & international laws. This is a 2025 Magna Carta new edition by William Eastwood, the author of “The Holographic Universe,” so precise that lawyers can use it for arguments in courts.
The Altruism Code Ultimate Success Formula enables you to create the life you want & to find happiness and fulfillment in life. With the Altruism Code you can stay safe no matter what is going on in the world around you. You can remain untouched in the middle of a war, prosperous in a global recession, healthy in a pandemic, comfortable in a changing climate & joyful rather than depressed. It is loaded with easy-to-understand practical insights that will serve as your protection from harm & the means to create your dreams.
The Altruism Code is the only logical path to the creation of a new kind of civilization that will lack violence, crime, fear & all the problems in our world today. It provides the exact principles on which we can create a global constitution & maps out the precise steps we need to take to create an INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION. Based on the Internal Science & International Philosophy Eastwood created, it elaborates on “Scientific Investigations,” a new field of science proposed in his book, “Internal Science,” which is needed to make all this possible.
It is the final step our civilization needs to take. It is desperately needed for both the individual & nations. It is the only way we can transition individuals, groups & nations to a new & better world based on a new science paradigm. Although based on the findings of quantum mechanics, it is not written in scientific terminology, but in easy-to-understand language that you will love.
The Altruism Code is a success formula for you and for our civilization. Use it wisely.
No library is complete without this original & one-of-a-kind new precedent for humanity. This marks the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity for the human race. War and crime will be done with once & for all, & everyone will find fulfillment & deep satisfaction in life.